Written by AM Boone

This is your dynamic author bio. Loren ipsum dolor sit amet. And so forth.Someone at the typewriter, trying to make a dollar...

August 27, 2024

And I fell back into the ashes, whoops…

Hi! It’s been a while, yeah… My life blew up in April, and I didn’t touch any of my projects until mid July. My mother and I got into a massive fight over her moving to Texas in April, my grandfather had a catastrophic stroke and passed two weeks later in May, then in June my four year no-covid streak got horrifically broken and I was out of commission for three weeks…

These aren’t excuses for not having published anything, just reasons.

So yeah, moving on.

I finished the first draft of Bound by Blood, and it’s 128k words. (Why are all my vampire books so long…) I’m currently writing a book that does not take place in the Rose Creek Chronicles universe (so not part of the Call Your Name, Dominic Clayton, Fallen Justice, Midnight Sun, or Bound series) called A Rhapsody of Temptation and Ruin, the first book of a trilogy about a himbo rapper and the sus af demon couple who want to use his music to take over the world, It’s a dark comedy mmf paranormal romance and much lighter than the books in the Rose Creek Chronicles world. I needed something silly and fun after everything that’s happened these past few months.

After that book is done, I’m going to clean up Fallen Justice 2 and publish that, then finally start those Dominic Clayton edits. Then probably edits on Bound 1, then probably drafting Fallen Justice 3, then some non-Rose Creek stuff.

I talked about a book called The Queen of Shattered Lies, in my last post, and I’m probably going to try and get it trad pubbed. Yeah, yeah, I know- *dodges tomatoes* -but this feels a bit more high brow than my normal fare. IDK. I’m thinking about it. It really depends.

Anyway, that’s the update! Watch this space!

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