My Books

Call Your Name Quartet Book One

An abused wife makes a deal with a demon to escape her relationship and gets swept into a new, supernatural world.

Call Your Name Quartet Book Two

After learning about her new abilities and uniting with her love interests, one of them is kidnapped and they have to rescue him before it’s too late.

Fallen Justice Trilogy Book One

A jaded vampire finds something to live for after accidentally getting bonded to his would-be worst enemy.

Fallen Justice Trilogy Book Two

After learning the true reason for his turning, a disgraced vampire conspires to overthrow the vampiric government.

About Me

Born and raised in the Bay Area, A.M. Boone has been writing since they were three and forced their mother to type of their misadventures. They mainly write about badass and magical black women, men, and enbies, being awesome, saving the world (or possibly just their own skins) and falling in love in the process.

When they’re not writing, you can find them either playing video games, baking, or finding cats to go pet. Connect with them on Twitter below.

My Blog

Mostly writing and site updates, but sometimes personal stuff. I try to update once a week.

And I fell back into the ashes, whoops…

Hi! It's been a while, yeah... My life blew up in April, and I didn't touch any of my projects until mid July. My mother and I got into a massive fight over her moving to Texas in April, my grandfather had a catastrophic stroke and passed two weeks later in May, then...

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I’m rising from the ashes…

Hello! Happy 2024, and all that jazz... It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been working hard on a lot of projects, and things are coming along nicely. I took a break from any of my urban fantasy/paranormal romance stories since I was burning out and wrote an isekai...

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I promise I’m still alive 😀

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm still writing, the Rona didn't get me... I just got distracted by a side project, which I'm glad to announce here: I'm working on a visual novel! It's an alternate universe of The Fallen Justice and the Mad Oracle, where...

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Where to Buy My Books

Read my books on Amazon or Kindle Unlimited!

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